OpenPlant Modeler Help

(Technology Preview) Manual Bar Mark Manager

Used to attach User Marks to 3D rebar in addition to the regular Bar Marks generated during Rebar Positioning. While it is advised to use Bar Marking generated with the Positioning tool, User Marks are very flexible and should be used in scenarios that Positioning cannot accommodate.

Accessed from:
  • Ribbon: Concrete > Drawing Production > Numbering, Marking > Manual Marking
  • Ribbon: Concrete > Data/Reporting > Numbering, Marking > Manual Marking
Load Select Rebar Elements Loads selected rebar's data into the table.
Clear Selection Removes selected rebar from the table.
Locate Option: Select Bars Sets the locate option to select the bar when used.
Locate Option: Highlight Bars Sets the locate option to highlight the bar when used.
Locate Option: Isolate Bars Sets the locate option to isolate the bar when used by turning the display off of all other bars in the model.
Locate Option: Zoom To Bars Sets the locate option to zoom into the bar when used.
Remove User Marks Applied to Current Selection Removes any user marks you applied to the selected schedule.
Group Rebar by Concrete Name When on, the table rows are grouped and sorted by the Concrete Name property. The Concrete Name column is moved to be the first column in the table. When off, the table is sorted by Quantity.
Group Matching Concrete by Reinforcement Activated when Group Rebar by Concrete Name is checked. When on, the table is re-sorted by Conc. Pos. Num.. The Conc. Pos. Num. column is moved to be the second column in the table after the Concrete Name column.
Maintain Rebar Label Grouping Activated when Group Rebar by Concrete Name and Group Matching Concrete by Reinforcement are checked. When on, the grouped bars are listed un-grouped and sorted by Conc. Pos. Num..
Apply/Load to Schedules Applies/loads the manual marks to the schedule in Schedule Generator. Clicking opens the (Technology Preview) Rebar Schedule Generator
Apply Marks Applies marks to the selected table.